Skin effect is direct consequence of of edy currents, a well known to electrical engineers. The meat of the story is that edy currents will appear in a conductor if thicknes of conductor and frequency of electromagnetic field coundctor feels is high enough.
Edy currents circulation will then result in Skin Effect. Meaning edy currents will cancel with the currents through the inside of the conductor, and currents will flow only through thin outer layer of conductor, and therefore the name of Skin Effect.
Because of this reason conductors are often made to be hollow, so material is not wasted.
In electrical machines for example, edy currents are taken as negative effect too, because they increase the energy losses, and are jeating up the machine.
Here, prevention of edy currents from appearing is done by using multiple thinner metal sheets which are glued together by an insulating material instead of whole peace. In such manner each metal sheet has thickness less than critical for edy currents to appear.
Interesting analogy with edy currents could be find in cooking. If you’re about to cook a stake for example, on too high temperature in a stove, stake will be burnt on the surface and will be left raw inside.
And you could use the same solution for the problem too. Cut stake in multiplr thinner slices and you can safely cook it on higher temperature and faster. Same thing is with baking a bread, potatos etc.
This analogy comes logical because heat can transfer in form of infrared waves, and infrared waves are electromagnetic waves too. So, when temperature is set on higher amount those infrared waves will be of higher frequency and result in “skin effect” on stale, potato, bread, etc.