Skype search doesn’t work?

If you find yourself using Skype a lot, especially if you use it for work, you can come into a situation where throughout the years, you have thousands of messages in the conversation history. This is when the Skype search starts to lag. It just doesn’t work for...

Stoicism in Arrival (2016)

Introduction to Stoicism in “Arrival” “Arrival,” the 2016 science fiction film directed by Denis Villeneuve, delves deeply into themes of communication, time, and the human condition. Amid these themes, Stoicism, the ancient Greek philosophy...

How To Properly Cover Up Poop Sounds And Smell

The trick is to sit on the toilet with the toilet seat brought up, and to use the towel to close the open area between your crotch and the toilet. Sort of sealing it for both sound and air.The splashing sound gets 90% or completely canceled. Bonus points to this...
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